
Mina Yamano - Profile -

山野 ミナ

大阪出身。 大阪芸術大学 美術学科 卒業
ジャズレコードコレクターで絵画や彫刻品などのコレクターでもある父を持つ。 幼少の頃から自然とジャズやアートに触れてきた。



2011年2月11日 WBC世界タイトルマッチ井岡一翔VSオーレドン・シッサマーチャイ(TBS中継)にて日本国国歌『君が代』を独唱。


2017年には世界のジャズシーンで活躍するデンマークのジャズベーシスト・Chris Minh Dokyのオーガナイズによりデンマーク コペンハーゲンでレコーディングしたアルバム「My Treasure」をリリース。美しいヨーロピアンサウンドに仕上がっている。

2021年8月25日、日本コロムビアより、高橋幸宏(YMO)、伊藤ゴロー共同プロデュースによるメジャーデビューアルバム『 L’ATELIER アトリエ』をリリース。フレンチポップやジャズのエッセンス溢れる、洗練された大人の為のJ-POPを作り上げている。

2023年6月21日パリにて、フランス最大級の音楽フェスティバル「Fête de la musique 」にスペシャルゲストとして出演した。

また2017年より画家としての活動も再開し、これまで、銀座ギャラリーカメリア、小伝馬町Roonee 247 Fine Arts、代官山MONKEY GALLERY、恵比寿弘重ギャラリーで絵画展を開催。独自の色彩感覚と音楽的なタッチには定評がある。

singer-songwriter and artist

Born in Osaka, Japan.  From her childhood, she would come naturally into daily contact with her father’s great collection of pictures and sculptures as well as Jazz records.

In her university days, she studied art and learned to paint pictures.  At one point, she came across a live musical and it made a great impact on her.  Then her heart was set on going on the stage.

In 2010, Mina started her live performance, mostly singing Jazz, Bossa Nova and Latin music.

On February 2011, she was selected as a solo vocalist of the national anthem of Japan, “Kimigayo” for the opening ceremony of WBC, World Boxing Championships’ world title match: Kazuto Ioka vs Oleydong Sithsamerchai (broadcasted on TBS, Japanese television channel)

Mina is presently based in Tokyo working as a singer-songwriter.

Having been traveling in the world, she has been influenced especially by European music and culture, by which she spontaneously gets a feel of French pops, chanson and Latin songs, and forms her own interpretation with her singing voice which feels somehow pensive.

In 2017, Mina’s original album, “My Treasure” was released.  All songs were recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Chris Minh Doky, a world famous Jazz bassist and composer, worked hand in hand with Mina to complete the works with beautiful European-style sound.

On August 2021, “L’ATELIER”, Mina’s first major debut album produced by Yukihiro Takahashi and Goro Ito, was released from Nippon Columbia Records.
This album has sophisticated “J-pop” sound filled with the essence of French pops and Jazz tunes.

On June 21st 2023 in Paris, Mina performed as a special guest singer at “Fête de la musique”, the biggest music festival in France.

In 2017, Mina restarted to work as a painter as well.

She has an established reputation for her particularly rich sense of color with a musical touch.

She already held some private exhibitions of her paintings at the art galleries in Tokyo; Gallery Camellia (Ginza), Roonee 247 Fine Arts (Nihonbashi Kodenmacho), Monkey Gallery (Daikanyama) and Hiroshige Gallery (Ebisu).

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